The tournament before BNP Paribas 2009 in Indian Wells

Tournaments are a vital element to tennis; that is how we show our stuff. So yes, this posting is relevant to the primary grouping, Elements in Tennis.
I went before it being BNP PARIBAS; it was like Life Open or something in 1997, my first time.

Then in 2006, I took myself. I met a tennis friend who came down from out of state and watched some weekend matches. Yet the weather canceled many games, which made for Monday to be PACKED. So all those canceled matches had to be caught up.

So I went to an outside court, and Gisela Dulko played singles. Recall she had beaten Martina in 2004 on clay, then Martina lost that match (Martina was in her late 40s in 2004) and said something like she wants to play Dulko on grass. WELL better be careful what you ask for, as that happened at Wimbledon in 2004, and Dulko won again in three sets. Keep in mind Martina did win the last match in the main draw. The physical prowess of Martina has been proven by playing PRO singles matches in her late 40s against PROs in their teens, 20s, 30s!

Some say that those with records of Martina don't play and lose to people who would have beaten in prime years. I say nonsense. GO FOR IT. Life is too short. A tennis mind would understand these circumstances, extenuating and not let it diminish Martina, who proved PRO players can play in their 40s. Kimiko Date confirmed this concept too. Both took long breaks from singles and came back. Serena is playing in her 40s and had a pregnancy. These things had depth and diversity to the tour. Plus, it contributes to removing the stereotypes "too OLD to play" "You are a MOM, stay home."

So I enjoyed Gisela Dulko in 2006 at BNP Paribas and caught her playing doubles there in 2012!

Dulko got to the finals of mixed open doubles at US Open(she lost to Americans) and won multiple doubles slams! Dulko has a stylish way of playing tennis with energy and passion. Dulko had no problem going after the male on the other side of the net and taking charge of the mixed doubles team. 

The points to this post, well, never too OLD to get out there and do it. Don't let stereotypes get in the way. Don't just go for the SHOW courts at significant tournaments or any tourney; there are some FUN, sound, and even great matches on outside courts!


Go pull up Kimiko Date, fun story on a unique player from Japan.


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