
Showing posts from July, 2022

Part of being a tennis player at level: LAUNDRY! So important!

Laundry and tennis players have much of it. Plus having to travel, many solos, no funds for coaching, carrying items, washing it. Tennis really is full-time support that requires very smart, independent, fit people. Most pro sports have teams that travel together and get bulk things, food, laundry, and hotels. SURE if one is Fed or Serena their big banks allow for many advantages. Advantages such as coaching. Nothing worse than no clean undies and no store open. Agassi had that issue, at least he said in his book! Good reads, as is Sharapova's book! Many other pros cannot afford those extras. Give me a break and earn it as rationale, all players on pro tour are TRYING to earn it. Sure some have different approaches, habits, and efforts but they are working hard the players I watched for many years from early qualies to finals of the main draw. Not all will make those big bucks but tours need them. A better distribution of prize money and NO COACHING. Too many pros cannot afford a c